10. Crop Locations

From vineyard rows to appellations, set up your crop location hierarchy.

If you are using the Claret Farm module, you will now also need to set up your Crop Locations and Crop Items.

Crop Locations and Crop Items are used to track the raw materials, and their source locations, that go into your work in process and finished good items.

Crop Locations

Crop Locations are used to manage the physical geographical structure of grape crops and grape requirements. The hierarchy works in the same way as your Item and Customer Group Hierarchies, which we set up earlier.

The first thing you will need to decide is how you want to manage your crops. You can plan all the way down to row level, or at a higher level if you wish.

Let's start by looking at an example. In this example we are using Rows and Blocks beneath the Vineyard level to break down grape supply and then rolling up to Appellation, Region and State.

Our Crop Location Hiereachy in this instance would look like this:

And an example set of crop locations within this hierarchy could be:

Once you've decided on how you want to structure your crop locations you can build out your Crop Location Hierarchy. To do this, go to Claret's Crop Location Hierarchy page.

Further detailed instructions on how to set up your hierarchy can be found here.

Now that you’ve set up your hierarchical structure, you can go ahead and create your crop locations. There are a couple of ways to do this.

  1. File import - we can import all your crop locations for you. To do this, we will need a .csv or .xlsx sheet containing your crop locations. The sheet will again need a column for each level of your hierarchy, with a name and description each time.

Here is an example sheet using our example from above. You can copy this and change the header rows to match the hierarchy you built earlier. (For example, if you don't have a State level, you would delete these columns, or if your levels are named differently you would replace the levels in row 1 of the template).

  1. One by one - you can add your Crop Locations and build out your structure using the instructions detailed here.

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