Customer Group Hierarchy

Customize your Customer Group Hierarchy structure. Learn how to add and organize customer group levels to match your planning needs.

When managing Sales data within Claret, a key data element is who you sell to. In order to define this, we begin with a Customer Group hierarchy. This allows you to structure your customers in whichever way makes sense for your business.

To build out your customer group hierarchy:

  1. Go to the navigation sidebar.

  2. Click on "Settings" menu item.

  3. Click on "Master Data" menu item.

  4. Click on "Customer Group Hierarchy".

If this is the first hierarchy you are creating, you will be able to select the 'Create hierarchy type' button on the main screen. Otherwise, go to the Options (...) menu and select 'Add Customer Group Hierarchy.

Give your hierarchy a name and description and select Save. Your hierarchy will then be created with an initial lowest level.

Update the name of the initial lowest level

  1. Click on the name of a level.

  2. This will turn the text into an input box where you can update the name.

  3. Make your update.

  4. To save your update, simply click outside of the hierarchy-level rectangle you're updating.

Adding your first new level

When you're first creating a hierarchy, you will be provided the initial lowest level. When you want to add a new level, you'll be able to add a parent to this initial lowest level

  1. Click into the "Add new level" rectangle and begin typing the name of the level.

Deleting a level

You can only delete the top most level in the hierarchy. You do this by clicking on the delete icon (trashcan) on the right-hand side of the level.

When adding or deleting rows, any customer groups you have set up will be affected. If you have any questions relating to the impact of adding or deleting hierarchy levels once you have all your customer groups in place, then contact Claret support to talk through your requirement

Last updated