
Routings are used when defining Work in Process Items.

Work in Process items have a bit more information attached to them than Finished Good items.

  • For Parent WIPs, we need to know which vintage is the Current Vintage, and how long you age the WIP for,

  • For Child WIPs, we need to know the Vintage and when you plan to start agingw.

Within Claret, we also use Routings to manage aging periods. How you use these depends on how you manage aging.

First, we must set up the steps that may occur within your aging process. You may wish to break your aging process down into steps like ‘Time in Barrel’ and ‘Time in Bottle’, or just have one step for ‘Aging’.

To set up these steps, go to the 'Routing Steps' tab within the Routings page. Then add your required standard step(s) by going to the options (ellipses) button in the top right and selecting 'Add Routing Step'. The example below shows a 'Barrel age' and 'Bottle age' set of steps, but you can set up whatever works for you.

If you set up more than one 'Aging' step, not all steps have to be used in the aging profile (routing) of every wine. You can pick and choose.

Now that we have the steps set up, we can use these to build out the routings. There are a couple of ways to do this, depending on how you manage your aging profiles.

If you manage your aging profiles based on the type of wine, we can set up the routings now and then connect these to your bulk wine items later. If you want your routings to be automatically set up when we create your items, then jump down to Setting up WIP Aged Items.

To set up routings now, go to the Routings tab on the Routings page.

The above screenshot shows an example 'High-grade Cabernet Sauv' routing with 2 steps - 3 months in 'Barrel age' and 3 months in 'Bottle age' for a total routing/aging of 6 months.

To add your routings here, go to the 'Add Routing' option in the Options (ellipses) menu in the top right.

Here you can add a name and description for your Routing. For example, 'Standard Pinot Noir'.

Hit 'Save', and you will see the routing added.

You can now add steps to the routing by first expanding out the row and then selecting the + button.

You will need to indicate a sequence number - this is the order in which the steps will occur, and indicate how long this particular aging step will take. Continue to add steps as required by your routing profiles.

Subsequent routings can be added by repeating the steps above.

Last updated