Location Maintenance

Streamline your wine storage and stock control operations. With powerful location and bin tracking tools, you can easily manage all of your winery's physical locations from one centralized platform.

The last main piece of master data you'll need to set up for some features of Claret is Locations. Locations are physical areas where wine may be stored.

Locations in Claret are treated slightly differently to Items and Customer Groups. There is a standard setup with the ability to have Locations at the top level. Within these you then have Location Areas and then Bins within these. Bins have a type and can be used by you to define different types of locations/storage within your location areas.

Let's look at an example. Locations are managed within the Master Data > Location Maintenance page.

Here, we can see Locations have been set up for:

  • the winery itself - ZAM Winery

  • an internal warehouse - ZAM Apps Warehouse

  • a partner warehouse - ZAM Partner Warehouse

  • a supply location - Strategy Supply Location

  • a bottling supplier - Bottling Supplier.

Let's then expand out the ZAM Apps Winery. There are 2 location areas, all with stainless steel tank storage (bins).

The ZAM Apps Warehouse on the other hand has just one Location Area - 'Storage' and one Bin - for Finished Goods storage.

As you can see, there is a lot of flexibility possible in how you set up your locations.

When thinking through your structure, keep in mind that any inventory loaded into Claret will need to be put against a Location.

Before you set up your Locations, we first need to know what Bin Types you want to set up. This is where you might define a Stainless Steel tank type, Barrels, and perhaps a Finished Good bin. You can be as granular or as high-level as required. Here is an example:

To add a Bin Type, go to the 'Bin Types' tab on the Location Maintenance page and then select 'Add Bin Type' from the options (ellipses) menu.

Enter a name and description for your 'Bin Type' and then select 'Save'.

You will now be able to select your new type when adding bin locations.

Now we are ready to start setting up your Locations. To add your first location, return to the 'Locations' tab on the Location Maintenance page and then go to 'Add Location' within the options (ellipses) menu.

Give your location a Name and Description, and then Save. This will be a top-level Location.

Once you add your top-level Location(s), you then use the ellipses beside your location to add location areas beneath.

And then add your bins beneath your location areas in the same way.

If you have a large number of locations, you can also add your Locations by sending a file to the Claret support team to load for you.

Here is an example file you can complete with your data. This contains the example from above, which you can use as a guide for how to complete the template. We will also add your Bin Types when loading the locations if you have not created them already.

The above assumes you have one status for the Bins at your locations. Each bin can have a status - which you can use to take storage offline or another status if required. The default status is 'open'; however, you can add more on the 'Bin Volume Statuses' tab within Location Maintenance if required.

Last updated