Item Hierarchy

Learn how to set up the Item Hierarchy Structures that will be used to organize and group your items (finished goods, work in process (WIP), and raw materials/crops).

Within Claret, Item Hierarchies are used to manage how you structure your items. There are 3 different types of Item Hierarchy and the types you need will depend on the modules you have access to.

The 3 types of hierarchy are:

  • Finished Goods - these hierarchies define the levels of the items that you sell. In our example below we show you how to set up your first finished good Item Hierarchy.

  • Work in Process - this hierarchy defines the levels of the items that form ingredients for your finished goods. For example, in the wine industry, these items would be the bulk wine that is then bottled into your finished good items. This hierarchy is pre-defined and only has 2 levels.

  • Raw Materials - this hierarchy defines the level of the items you begin with. These will be inputs into your Work in Process and Finished Goods items. For example, in winemaking, one raw material would be grapes.

The modules within Claret require the following hierarchies to be set up:

In this example we will show you how to set up your first Item Hierarchy.

  1. Go to the navigation sidebar.

  2. Click on "Settings" menu item.

  3. Click on "Master Data" menu item.

  4. Click on "Item Hierarchy".

Select the hierarchy type and hierarchy

Click on the tab at the top which relates to the Item Hierarchy you wish to work with.

In this example we will work with the 'Finished Good' hierarchy type.

Next select the Hierarchy you wish to work with. A default hierarchy will have been set up for you to start with so you can select this to work with.

Update the name of an initial lowest level

  1. Click on the name of a level.

  2. This will turn the text into an input box where you can update the name.

  3. Make your update.

  4. To save your update, simply click outside of the hierarchy-level rectangle you're updating.

Adding your first new level

When you're first creating a hierarchy, you will be provided with 2 initial levels. When you want to add a new level, you'll be able to add a parent to these initial levels.

  1. Click into the "Add new level" rectangle and begin typing the name of the level.

Deleting a level

You can only delete the top most level in the hierarchy. You do this by clicking on the delete icon (trashcan) on the right-hand side of the level.

When adding or deleting rows, any items you have set up will be affected. If you have any questions relating to the impact of adding or deleting hierarchy levels once you have all your items in place, then contact Claret support to talk through your requirements.

Last updated