
Connect finished goods to bulk wines and create recipes to map sales history and forecasts for an improved workflow.

Recipes within Claret are the links that connect each module. Recipes define the work-in-process items (eg Bulk Wine) that go into finished goods, and the crop ingredients (eg grapes) that go into the bulk ingredients.

Let's look at two examples - Finished Good Item 108 - the FNE St Lucia Pinot Noir and WIP Item FNESLPNO - the FNE St Lucia Pinot Noir bulk

There are 2 levels of recipes required to connect the Finished Goods items and WIP Items.

  • To map sales history, and finished good inventory, back to bulk, we need to map the vintage level finished good items to the vintage level WIP items

    • eg 108-21 uses FNESLPNO21 in it's recipe

  • To map sales forecasts back to bulk we need to map the parent level (non-vintage) finished good item to the Parent WIP item.

    • eg 108 uses FNESLPNO in it's recipe

So, to build out the recipes for the FNE St Lucia Pinot Noir example above, we would need the following set of recipes:

Finished GoodIngredient (WIP Item)Quantity in 1 9LE of Finished GoodUOM of Quantity





















Recipes are managed in Claret within the Master Data > Recipes page. To add your recipes, start by going to this page and selecting 'Add' from the Options (ellipses) menu in the top right of the screen. (Any recipes already created will be listed on this page).

The first step is to add the 'Recipe Header'. This is the details of what product the recipe is for - ie - what is the end product of the recipe.

When adding the header, you will need to define the Recipe Type. The options are:

  • Operational, with items only

  • Strategic, with items only - generally used for Make Planning

  • Strategic, with items at locations - used where the recipe requires items from a particular location- for example, a recipe for bulk wine that requires crop items from particular locations.

You will also need to select the item and indicate the yield quantity and UOM that the recipe will yield.

We will add the first row from our table above. Given our table indicates the recipes are all for one 9LE, we use this as our yield quantity.

Hitting 'Save' will then create the recipe at the bottom of the grid. We now need to add the 'Recipe Details' - the ingredients. Use the arrow in the 'Recipe Details' column to expand out the recipe and begin to add rows.

You will need to add one 'Recipe Detail' row for each ingredient. Our recipes above only have 1 ingredient. The single ingredient to make 1 9LE if item 108 is 2.38 gallons of bulk wine FNESLPNO. So we enter these details into the Recipe Detail add screen and then hit 'Save'.

The above assumes a conversion of 1. Recipes can be set with a more granular breakdown of UOM and conversion. For example, for a bulk wine recipe, we may have 2 tonnes of pinot grapes as an ingredient, but the 'Convert to UOM' might be gallons.

The following table indicates the recipe levels required for each feature to function.

FeatureRecipes needed

Sales Collaboration


Long Term Planning


Forecast Workbench


Make Planning

Finished Goods recipes (ingredients = bulk)

Crop Supply Planning

Bulk Wine Recipes (ingredients = crops)

Inventory Workbench


You can either load your recipes one by one as above or complete a file that can then be provided to the Claret support team to load into Claret for you. The template provided below can be used. This is completed with our above example so you can see how to complete the template. You can replace this data with your data.

When completing the template, you will need to use the Finished Good Item Name(s) that you used when creating your Finished Goods in step 1, and the WIP Item Name(s) that you created in Step 5 and the Crop Item Names you created when setting up Crops (if you have already completed that step). That is, Claret already needs to know about any items that you plan to use in Recipes.

Last updated