Sales Data Import

A step-by-step guide to efficiently upload sales data across multiple items and customer groups.

When entering Sales Data, both forecast and historical, there is often a need to load large amounts of data at once, across multiple Items @ Customer Groups. To do this efficiently, the Sales Data Import function can be used.

  1. Go to the navigation sidebar.

  2. Click on "Settings" menu item.

  3. Click on "Transactional Data" menu item.

  4. Click on "Sales".

Start the Import wizard

  1. Go to the " Options" button (the ellipses) in the top-right of the page and click on it.

  2. Click on "Import"

  3. The "Import Sale Data" wizard will now open

Sales data can be loaded in a csv format.

There are 5 key steps in loading the data.

1. Choose

Select the file that contains the Sales data to be loaded. The file can be dragged into the green-bordered box, or select 'Browse your device' to browse to the file to be uploaded.

The key requirements for the file are that it be in .csv or .xlsx format, with a row for each Item @ Customer Group and time interval combination that you wish to load sales data for.

Note: Sales data can only be loaded via the Import function at the Item @ Customer Group level. Each Item @ Customer Group relationship for which you would like to add Sales Data must be set up prior to performing the import.

Within the file to be loaded, the following data elements (columns) are required:

  1. item - The item the sale relates to

  2. customer_group - The customer group the sale relates to. (The combination of item and customer group give the Item@CustomerGroup)

  3. sell_date - The date the sale relates to

  4. quantity - The quantity/amount sold/forecast to sell

  5. sale_type - The Sale Type that you wish to load the data against. For instance - if you wish to load the data against your 'Forecast FY' sale type then you would have a column containing that for each line item.

  6. timing_interval - The Timing Interval that the sale relates to (eg monthly sales, daily sales). Options are 'day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter', 'year'

  7. uom - The unit of measure for the sale. Options are 'ton', 'gallon', 'Liter', 'Barrel', 9LE Case', 'Kilogram'

The following example file can be used as a base if required.

2. Upload

Once the file has been selected, it will begin uploading automatically, and the upload indicator will be displayed.

3. Map

After the file has uploaded, the mapping screen will be displayed. Here, you can map the columns in your uploaded file to the Sales fields in Claret. Each core Sales data element is displayed on the right, and the fields in the loaded file are available for you to select on the left.

To map the fields, you can now select the file column from the drop down next to each field.

Make sure you scroll down to map all fields

Once the required fields have been mapped, select 'Continue' to validate.

4. Validate

The data is then validated against the Sales import rules. The next step will depend on how many rows with errors are found during validation.

Less than 100 rows with errors

If there are less than 100 rows with validation errors in the imported file, then any data that does not meet the validation rules will be displayed in a table and highlighted in red.

In this example, you can see the Item and Customer Group combinations can not be found in Claret.

To resolve these errors, the data can be edited inline by clicking in the required cell. (Note: if there are a large number of validation issues you may wish to resolve them in the base file and re-upload.) Or, in the case of an error like the above, you may need to go back and set up or check Item@CustomerGroups in Claret.

Once a change has been made, the data can be validated again by selecting the 'Validate' button in the bottom right. Rows that now pass will be removed from the view.

Once all data passes validation, the 'Import' button will be enabled.

Select 'Import' and the data will import and now be available to view in Claret.

More than 100 rows with errors

If there are more than 100 rows in the file with errors, then an error file will be available for you to download. You can download this by clicking 'Download Errors File' and you will then be able to see the errors within the rows that had validation issues.

If there are rows that passed validation, you will be given the option to continue importing these rows.

Selecting 'Continue with Import' will then enable the Import button at the bottom of the screen and you can click this to import the rows without errors.

Last updated